New Fish Tank


I am a new aquarist and I am waiting on my tank to cycle. However, as it cycles, I am trying to decide the future population of my tank. It is a nano, 12 gallon tank and I do eventually want to add some beginner coral.
These are some of the fish and inverts I would like, however I don't know about compatibility issues and tank limits since it is small:
Emerald Crab
Blue Leg Hermit Crab
Peppermint Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Some type of snail
I'm not sure if this is too much for a 12 gallon tank or not. It is a nano cube if that helps anyone. Also, the coral I'm thinking about is some type of zoo, mushroom, leather, or xenia. Suggestions? The coral won't be added until later, I'm taking this tank VERY slowly (as I've read that's how it should be done).


Active Member
Everything you have listed there, as long as it is only one clownfish or two very tiny ones that you will move when they grow too large, can be added to your tank. Peppermint shrimp are cleaner shrimp also by the way. If you add a peppermint and a skunk cleaner, as they grow larger they might decide to fight but that shouldn't keep you from getting a small one of each to start with. Also on the snails you should get a couple of a few different kinds. Maybe two or each of Nassarius, Cerith, Astrea.


Thank you! I appreciate your response. Would you think that the blue leg hermit would cause a problem with the emerald crab? or with the shrimp? And in the case of the peppermint and the skunk shrimp, if they do decide to fight when they grow, what is the solution to that?


Active Member
Blue leg hermit will not be a problem with the emerald. Your choice with the shrimp would be remove one back to the local fish store for some credit or let them hammer it out winner take all.


I really appreciate your help! I'm extremely excited about getting my tank started, so I apologize if my questions are beginner stuff. Are there any fish or inverts that you would suggest that would be good beginner stuff in place of what I've suggested? or additional?


Active Member
Nope, your list is fine and it is yours. Go slow my friend and enjoy the life that is exploding in your tank, even as we speak, from the live rock I hope that you have used to cycle with. I would suggest to you to get a large magnifying glass, look into the tank during the day or night and marvel at some of things you will see.
That is a great picture of Jimi by the way!!!!


Thanks man, and yes, I did use live rock and live sand to cycle. (Actually a very tiny snail showed up in the tank out of nowhere, but the LFS said that they sometimes stow away in the rock). Also, that is a great picture of Jimi isn't it? Haha


Active Member
Looking closely you will start to see copepods, feather dusters, algae, and many wondrous and amazing things.


I'm getting these little brown things that look like anemones, and the LFS said they were not conducive to having coral, due to the fact that they sting the corals. That's why I am getting the peppermint shrimp once it cycles. Does that sound accurate to you?


Active Member
Sounds like Aiptasia anemone. Indeed a pest that a peppermint shrimp will eat if the anemone is not too large. Make sure to get the correct peppermint though. Lysmata wurdemanni is what you want, not Lysmata californica


Active Member
Tis what we are here for, all were newbies at one time. You will pay it forward in the future!!!