new fish...when do i feed?


just got one firefish and one percula clown and acclimated and what not now they are in the tank doing really good....actually the clown and firefish are kinda schooling together its really neat...but my question is when do i try to feed them? thanks


Active Member
did the lfs feed them in front of you? they usually will do that so you know they eat. but when you get them home you can try that same day or the next day.


no they didnt on the way home from the lfs i was thinking you think firefish and the false percula (tank raised) will be finiky eaters?


Well-Known Member
A tank-raised percula should eat like a pig from the start. Try them with small amounts of something they will like, and recognize. What were they fed at the lfs? That is what they would most likely start with.


Originally Posted by gmwilk
they said formula one and thats what i got is that ok? and some frozen brine shrimp
NIX the brine shrimp. It has no nutritional value. Both of those fish should feed for you without a problem. They are new today? Give them until tommorow night. Feed the formula one. They will grab flakes if left with no options.


how big is the tank? I have a 10 gallon with 2 clowns and I feed once every 3 days. I also have a freshwater tank with about 14 fish and they get feed every other day. So you might want to only feed every other day or so to avoid problems with algae or water quality later. Also, the brine is more of a treat than anything else. Make sure to wash your food as well before placing it in the tank. Alot of frozen food contains moisture as the #1 ingredient and the water in the food can contribute to high phosphate. Personally, I cut off some frozen food, just enough to feed the tank, and place the cube in a strainer to dethaw before adding it to the tank. Good luck with your fish.