New fish with ich


New Member
Hi i just ordered juv french and queen angels for my fish tank, (just finished cycling) and it came monday. Today(3/10) i looked in at my fish and they had white spots EVERYWHERE even on their eyes. Im pretty sure its ich and if it is im very upset with this website for sending ich to my tank. and because the only real ich treatment has copper so that would kill my inverts(snials, crabs, shrimp, ect.)
This web site dosnt give a # to call so what should i do and how should i treat it
Any help,(the number if you have it please) please
need it asap
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member

Originally posted by frenchy237
and because the only real ich treatment has copper so that would kill my inverts(snials, crabs, shrimp, ect.)

Hyposalinity is a preferred method for treating ich, particularly in copper-sensitive species like angels. You still need a quarantine tank, as inverts don't tolerate the procedure well.
You should also be concerned about placing angels into a newly cycled tank. Not a good practice. Angels often fare poorly in new set ups and do best in mature systems with lots of LR to graze on. My guess is that these fish would have had problems anyways, in spite of the ich. Read up on the keeping requirements for the fish you plan to stock.


Staff member
It is unrealistic to think that hobbyists do not have to quarantine their fish before putting them into their tanks. Stores just do not have the ability to do this or mass treat fish. This is a part of the hobbyists responsibility.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread and the posts on Quarantine, Hyposalinity and Ich.