New Fish, Your Thoughts?

I'm finally ready to start adding fish! I Want to introduce the below over the course of a few months. I will not be introducing corals.
(2) Scarlet reef hermits
(1) Fire Shrimp
(1) Sea Cucumber
(1) Zebra Dart Goby
(1) Purple Pseudochromis
(1) Perc Clown
(1) Canary Blenny
(1) Assessor Blasset
(1) Mandarin Green (in 6 months)
(1) Scott's Fairy Wrasse (in 6 months)
Any objections??


The manderin might be a bad thing to have do to the fact you are going to need alot of lr and a mature thank with alot of copapods. i would have alot more lr before I added this fish.


Active Member
That might be a lot for your tank. I'd say go for it, but spread it out more. I'd suggest adding no more than 2 fish per month... that would put you on a 6-month plan for your tank. Also, as far as the mandarin goes... most people on this board will tell you to wait till your tank is more established, and has more LR. I'm not here to disagree with them (the probably know more than I do), but rather I will share my experience with you. I have a mandarin... had him for well over a year now. Added him when my tank was about 6 months old at the recommendation of my LFS (before I discovered this board). I had about 30lbs of base rock and 30lbs of LR. My mandarin is fat and happy and healthy... and has been the entire time. So it can be done with the 75lbs LR you have, but I would and add him last.