New Fish


Active Member
I still got some time to decide. I am getting 25 pounds of live rock within a few days, a powerhead, and maybe some sort of anthias. I have a 55, and I eventually wanna get one more type of fish. I have FOWLR, volitan, yellow tang, clown, lmb and a yellow tail damsel. The anthias is prb definitely coming. I think I want either a small skool of 3 chromis, or a pysco dragonet. Thanx guys


Active Member
Thats quite a bioload for a 55, plus you have some large fish already. I would rethink your stocking list a little.


Active Member
you could get like 3'' more inches of fish and then you'll be done. But then the lion will eat the 3'' fish(s) you put in your tank.


Active Member
I dont care about the bioload and I will get rid of fish wen they are too small. I am not done, and I am not stupid either. Ive ben on for a while, and i know wat can be compatible. My fish have plenty of space to swim. Yer just going by number count, not size. Just tell me, which is better, a psyco mandarin or the cromis. Thats all I wanted is all. I am getting a large protein skimmer, and there is plenty of room for these fish. Thank you.


Active Member
I think you could add a chromis or two... some people just think fish need so much space to swim. I want to make a statement that you can always trade in the fish if it get to big.. Also some people say yellow tangs need a 75 or larger.. when they only need a 55.


Active Member
True. Also, I forgot to say that the other kind of fish that does accept anemones are domino damsels. Dominos, just like clarkii clowns (which are damsels) have that instinct to get protection from anemones.


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish12
I think you could add a chromis or two... some people just think fish need so much space to swim. I want to make a statement that you can always trade in the fish if it get to big.. Also some people say yellow tangs need a 75 or larger.. when they only need a 55.



I have a clarki clown and a dominno damsel will the fight over the same annome


:happyfish Hi chandler, agree about too much livestock, but if you are deciding to go ahead, then I just wanna let you know maybe chromis are better, because manderins have a dorsal spine that they raise when threatened, and I've heard of fish dying that try to eat them, because the spine gets stuck in the fish's mouth. They do have an added defense of a slime they exude, and when I had a manderine dragonet in my reef he changed almost white at night, and slept on the rocks, perfectly still, and so those are their defenses just to let you know. Manderines are also slow, and chromis can be fast, so maybe those would be better with a lion in there with them.Good luck, and no you are not stupid. I was nice wasn't I.


Active Member
Gotcha. The thing is, though, is that the psyco mandarin is just so cool, with the colors and all. I have an algae blenny, and he is fine with the lion. Stays out of the way, almost always hiding except at night. BOLTS to the rocks wen I enter the room. Ironically, I named him buddy, lol. He must love me SOO much
. The cromis are cool also. BTW, I was under the impression that u were a flame angel. My bad. Thats the only reason y i commented on the formula one thing. I'll see which costs more, which are cooler, and which will cause more waste. It'll be tough though. O, and the domino and clarkii could fight, but the clarkii will win. His instinct is stronger than the dominos. But isnt that cool that they host too>>>?


Chandler, how much live rock do you already have? Keep in mind that the mandarin will require (seriously... as in 'needs to survive') about 75-150 lbs of it. 25 lbs is simply not enough to sustain this fish. These guys eat pods almost exclusively (its rare to see them eat anything else), and without a huge pod population they will eventually starve to death. This is a common scenario and something you might wanna keep in mind. Also, research is important... I dont think anyone here considers you "stupid" but you have to realize by reading the posts here how most people's attitudes are towards bioloads and care for their fish. These guys have many years and years of experience and only wish you and your tank the best by sharing advice. There are times I wish I had listened to them, and Ive learned my lessons the hard way... time, frustration, and cash down the drain.


Active Member
Umm, I thoroughly research every fish that I get, and u just seemed u were talking to me like I was a little kid. Thanx for the thought, but I know that the eat pods, thats why i said earlier for the mandarin that I would get a lot of live rock. i know that that is all they eat. Im not getting one anymore anyway. Im just gonna get a bunch of cromis.