New fish


I purchased a new angler last week. His or her name is Lucky because he scorpion fish did not eat him when I let him loose.
I got the biggest one the LFS had and he is about 3 inches. I haven't seen him eat yet and it has been a week. That doesn't mean he didn't eat though.The LFS was feeding him with a fish in a hose.
Does anyone have any tips as to feeding?
Thanks in advance



When I had my angler, I started it on live ghost shrimp. Let a few loose in the tank and he'l go after them for sure. Then, try stabbing one with a feeding stick, I used a wooden shishkabob (I know I butchered that word) stick, and the shrimp should be half alive, try dangling it in front of his face. After it gets used to this, you can substitute the shrimp for pieces of silverside, krill, etc.
Let us know how it goes!


Lucky just caught a medium size rosie. I was happy to see him eat. I know freshwater fish are not the best for him,but I have to order ghost shrimp on line. None of our lfs has them & i couldn't get him to eat anything else.
He got himself more familiar with the tank today as I watched, he crawled all around in & out of the rockwork & all around the tank. It was cool to watch.
Thanks again.. :cheer: