New Fish!


Active Member
So, I ended up trading my Hawaiian Dragon Moray to a guy in FL for some of his fish.
I got a 10" male Crosshatch Trigger, a 6" - 8" Golden Puffer and a 6" - 8" Purple Rhinopias.
Just got them, by FedEx and they're acclimating now.
Pics to soon follow!!!


Active Member
Unforunately, I'll have to wait to take pics.
The Puffer was so stressed, from shipping, I honestly didn't think he was gonna make it. He did the dreaded "death rolls" and everything. He's still kickin', right now and seems like he's gonna make it.
The Crosshatch immediately hit the rocks and hasn't shown a fin since.
I'm gonna have to wait till everyone is chilled out, before I get pics.
I did have to take out my 12" Porc, because as soon as the Golden Puffer hit the water, the Porc was all over him, attacking him.


Can you put more than one puffer in a tank?
Can't wait to see pics, but I bet you miss your eel :(


Active Member
I really didn't think the Puffer was gonna make it, but luckily he did. I came home from work, last night, to find him swimming the tank.
I still haven't gotten very good pics of the Rhino, as he's still not gotten his color back.
And, I already have another shipment of fish coming, next Tues. It'll consists of a Broomtail Wrasse, an Aussie Tusk and last, but certainly not least...a Goldheart Trigger. Needless to say, I'm just a wee bit excited.
Anyway...on to some pics.




Active Member
Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Simply Stunning!! I bet you are gonna miss your Dragon though...full tank shots??
I am really good miss my Dragon. But, she's going to a really good guy, who's really excited about getting her. She's going into a 450gal tank.
And, we're already made an agreemet, that if he ever has to get rid of her, she comes back to me.
And, no full tank shots. Never take the time and, my hair algea problem is coming back. I definately need to invest in an RO/DI unit.
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman

Absolutely gorgeous Trigger! Any plans on getting him/her a mate?
Not sure yet...but that's a good idea, especially when I get the 285gal set up.


Active Member
AW, Has your DME ever attacked another fish or another eel?
I'd love to place one in my 240g but I'd hate for it to become a killer and my wife might divorce me if her 30" SFE was killed.
I noticed your eel with the White mouth and now with puffers and triggers. Makes me want to try.


Active Member
That's why I always laugh, when people say they have to be kept in a tank by themselves, they're crazy aggressive killers, etc...
The guy I got mine from, bought it when she was like 15". When I got her, she was 30" and I've had her for 7 years.
Never, in the entire time she's been in captivity, has she attempted to eat a tankmate. They guy I got her from told me she'd never once even attempted. And, as long as I've had her, she's never attempted.
Mine has been with everything from 3" - 4" fish, all the way up to 15"+ fish.
Now, if I wait a week or so, to feed her, she'll get aggressive during feeding time. When I fed, last week, she chased the Porc around the tank, but never would attempt to bite or eat it. Since I've gotten the Crosshatch, they've been sleeping right on top of each other. I've caught her, a few times, laying her head on the sleeping Golden Puffer.
In your other thread, where you show the pic of the one you might be getting...I noticed a Clownfish and a small yellow fish. If those aren't gone already, then you're good.


Active Member
Beautiful crosshatch AW... but it's too bad that you're getting rid of that magnificent eel. Has the golden puffer's colors brightened since you took those pics or is it still that color?


Great stuff!!! I just got a big male crosshatch and finally my girlfriend says wow that fish is pretty. I am looking for a small Japanese or Hawaiian Dragon Moray if anyone has Dragon if anyone has any leads it would be greatly appreciated. Congrats on your new fish and I know they will be well taken care off. Regards, T


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Beautiful crosshatch AW... but it's too bad that you're getting rid of that magnificent eel. Has the golden puffer's colors brightened since you took those pics or is it still that color?
The guy I'm trading to already has a 12".
We also have a very strong agreement, that if he ever decides to get rid of, she'll immediately come back to me.
And yeah...the Puffer has gotten alot better. I really didn't think he was gonna make it for the first few days. Now, he's neon yellow and eating like a pig.


Nice fish AW, congrats ! I love the puffer, what size tank -?