New Fish?

Hey Guys well its been a while since i have posted but i have a question? Today i purchased two VERY small citron/yellow clown gobies, and an anemone crab. For my 5.5 gallon. My question is about the gobies. Well they are very skinny,i prefer to keep my fish fat and happy they act fine but any advice on how to fatten them up is needed. I also have another question. I know they are a perching fish,but i hve seen videos of them swimming and stuff and these havent moved much. could this be because they are new in the tank? any advice or caring tips would be great.


Good luck with these guys, but I never had any luck with them. Every time I tried one of these guys they would starve. Did you see them eat at the fish store?
No i did not,i read they where an easy keeper so we figured they would be ok. I hope we didnt make a huge mistake

Ugh. now i am very worried. Do you ever have that sad feeling in the pit of your stomach,that things wont work out.


I know that feeling and I didn't mean to give a doom and gloom feeling. However I have seen allot of people have luck with these fish as well. SO maybe I was just unlucky?


I don't know if citrons are different from other clown gobies but I have a black clown goby who was like that. He looked skinny all the time. I was trying to feed him formula 2 pellets but he didn't take.
I switched to marine cuisine and he likes that a lot. I don't know if its cause of the stress, if it was the pellets, or what but he is fat and happy now.
Just give it time and try the marine cuisine.
Ok a report on their condition.......
they are both still alive(this is good)
they are very still and dont move at all. hopefully they willl liven up soon! i am trying to find the marine cuisine. with me luck