new fish


Hello all!!!! I had a sad week, due to the fact that pump stopped working this week and it cuased my blue tang to die that has been with me for over a year. I have a purple tang, mandarian and maroon clown. I purhased a flame angel yesturday and I was wondering what everyone thought about flames in reef tanks?
Thank you. Also doess anyone here have a flame in a reef tank?
I dont have a reef tank but I have a flame and I love it. I have heard that they are safe when they are young but that you may need to watch them when they get to adult age. But I am sure others have better help for you. Mike


We have a flame in our reef - been there a month, so far he hasn't touched anything it shouldn't.
The biggest problem with flames is to make sure they long as the fish is eating well, you should have no problems. The more established the tank, the better.


Active Member
I have a flame angel in a reef tank, 210 gallon, 250lbs of LR
Plenty of room to roam through the rocks, was timid at first, is out and about now , still you have to approach tank slow or it will hide, has not touched a coral yet, one of my favorites in tank:)


I have a flame in my reef. He RULES the tank. I have never seen him go at the corals and no evidence of him eating them when I'm not looking. So I say, you like Flames, go for it.