New fishies!!!


I got a sohal tang and a bird wrasse today. I saw the sohal tang there last weekend and it had lost color since then so I helped the fish out. The lfs only had it in a 20 gallon tank. The wrasse and the tang get along great and are very active can't wait to feed them tonight.
I almost got a chevron tang he was big and very pretty but was about 150 dollars.
I am waiting to get a picasso trigger.
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Pictures????? PLEASE?!?!?! Chevrons are amzing fish, yet pricey, even wen they are small. Sohals are beautiful as well. Hope u gots a big tank. I dont like bird wrasses though, sorry. I prefer anything BUT a bird wrasse. I just think they are ugly. Christmas wrasse is more like it, or harlequin tusk... Well, please post pics though.


I got a sohal tang and a bird wrasse Saturday morning. When I got the tang they had him in a 20 gallon tank and he was almost white with no color. When I was feeding him tonight by the way he and the wrasse are pigs. His color is so much better. I can actually see his strips. He is very active. We have to get a covering for the side of the tank because he sees his reflection and thinks it is another fish like him and he flips out.
I'll try and get some pictures but he doesn't sit still. He is very happy!!!
:happyfish :happyfish