New Frag


I picked up this frag on Saturday and it is really amusing me, they actually eat brine shrimp when I feed. It appears that if they sense a bit of food is there they close up on it like a venus fly trap. Anyone know the name of these guys?


Active Member
there are two different types of palythoas there, and Green star polyp. I'm assuming your not asking about the GSP. I dont know the names off hand but they have real easy care and are extremely hardy (I havent killed any yet I accidently left some out while fragging for more than an hour), med to high light, moderate to low flow, and will accept meaty foods of any type including flake, pellet, shrimp, squid, clam, fish, cyclops, larger planktonic foods as well. they will develop faster with regular feedings. remember if you spot feed these on a regular basis consider it adding to your bioload like you would a fish for they eat and defecate.


thank you reefkprz!!! those were the ones I was talking about and yes they do expel waste, they're pretty cool little guys. I've not been spot feeding them but I do alternate marine snow and rotofeast every other night.