New frags

rabid frog

Active Member

This one is unidentified. I thought it was a hammer but I am not sure

Please excuse the algae out break. My clean up crew is on vacation

yeffre kix

Originally Posted by rabid frog
still looking for an Id on the lps..

Looks like a pearl bubble though I've never seen such a shape before.

rabid frog

Active Member
ty oreo- I have been doing some research on the lps and I cannot come up with anything. I saw Bang guy mention something about having a scroll hammer and I thought he had something similar to the one I have in his lagoon. But I cannot find anything on the internet about a scroll hammer. :notsure: :thinking:


Its a type of bubble coral.. I forget the exact name.. but will find out.. its a common thing in petstores around me.

rabid frog

Active Member
Thanks N-Sarno, i know for sure it is not a frogspawn. I was thinks bubble too because of the sweepers that come out look similar. :jumping: