New Frags


New Member
I just got my very first bunch of frags from my LFS. I got some star polyps and some zooanthids. Should I do the drip menthod to acclimate or float the bag..... and when I do put them in the tank, should i use rubberbands to attach to the rocks of the super glue.... a speedy responce would be appreciated.. thank you


Active Member
I would drip, just because it never hurts.
I have had zero luck with glue. So I always rubberband mine. But some will tell you to glue, so either way it should work.


always drip.
it's all worth it.
if you kind of in a big hurry wanting to see them display in the tank.
Put new corals in a container with the water that goes with it.
then use a small cup, add your tank water in there 1 lil cup every 5 min for about 20min, then it should be ready