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I currently have a 72 gal bow front FO tank. I have a 5-6" Orbic batfish, 2" flame hawk, 2" firefish goby, and a cchip star and some snails. I was looking to add some other fish at some point, but wasn't sure what might be best. Here are some of the fish I was thinking of: I do not intend to add all of these. These are just one's I'm interested in possibly having.
1. Few bangaii cardinals
2. 4 green chromis
3. porcupine puffer
4. tomato clown
Any other suggestions, or do you think any of these or a combination of any of these guys would work for me??? Thanks for the help


Active Member
I don't know much about the batfish... but the puffer will get pretty big. While they don't require a ton of room to swim, a large puffer with your batfish might be a big much. You certainly can't go wrong with the clown or the chromis. Cardinal fish are pretty popular, but I don't know much about them.
Like I said, I don't know much about the batfish, so you might want to make sure it won't harass whatever fish you decide to go with.