New Frogs


Picked these guys up, yesterday.
The Yellow one, a Striatus, is not even an inch long. The other, a Coinbearing (Nummifer) is maybe 1.5" long.
They're both in a 12 gal. nano cube, with the Striatus living in a netted breeder box, so he doesnt get eaten by the Nummifer.
The rock that the yellow guy is leaning on is only the size of a US Dime.



I really dig the way frogfish look. Kinda that "so ugly they're cool" type. I hear they're tough to keep so best of luck.


Well, they both ate right out of the bags.
Frogs are such poor shippers that alot of the time, they dont last through the first day/night.
I was really concerned about the little Straited because he was so tiny. I put him in the netted breeder cage and he was swimming around, definately not happy with where he was. Frogs, swimming around, is usually a bad sign.
I dropped in a Ghost Shrimp that almost as large as he was and immediately, he stopped swimming and went to work...
It was almost like..."Damn, I hate you! How dare you keep me in this tiny little netted box....oh,! Come here, little shrimp...yes, just a little closer...almost...almost...Ok, I'm a happy boy now! Food!"
The larger Nummifer has been out, wandering the tank, but always goes back to his little hiding spot. He hangs, upside down, underneath a leaning piece of live rock, where there's not much light.
I'm thinking of setting up another tank and ordering in 2 - 3 more little tiny ones, like the yellow Striated and hope I get different colors and species.


Can they stay in a 12 gallon indefinitely???
and if you get them from a good place are they hard???
have always wanted one


Originally Posted by rara12
Can they stay in a 12 gallon indefinitely???
and if you get them from a good place are they hard???
have always wanted one

Some species can be kept in a 12gal. indefinately...including the 2 that I have now...although, they wont be able to be kept together, in a 12gal.
It's sometimes EXTREMELY difficult to determine species, as it's only definable by the esca and illium (rod and lure).
Some species, such as Commersons, can grow to 14" long and be as big as a volleyball.
Being "hardy" is a different story. As a long time Angler keeper, I can tell you...they're not easy and no matter what anyone else says, they demand a species only tank. They're highly susceptable (sp?) to even the slightest nitrates, copper or other slightly poor water conditions. Some are almost impossible to get switched over to frozen foods and that's no good because there's not a steady supply of live foods that are good for them. Ghost Shrimp, unless gut loaded, hold almost no nutritional value and freshwater feeders, such as guppies and mollies, will eventually cause liver failure and premature death.


What is there max size???
and what about the sargassum fish, will they out grow a 12?
and in a species only tank, only one? or can i get two or three if they are the same size?


They're size varies...just depends on what species you're talking about. Sargassum, I believe, will stay around 5" - 6", which in my opinion, is a tad too big for a 12gal.
You can keep multiple frogs together, but just keep in mind that they cannibals. Any other frog that's slightly smaller than the others will certainly be eaten.


cool, and how many would/could fit in a 12?
and im assuming you feed it twice a day but is that too much???
im seriously considering getting them, they are some way cool fish


Just my personal need to do ALOT more research before jumping into buying these guys. If not, you'll go through faster than you can by them and you'll have them dying left and right.
No more than 1 adult, in a 12gal. tank...depending on the species.
Feeding is never, ever twice a day. Frogs have an insanely slow digestive system and one major contributor to frogs dying is because of overfeeding. They're digestive system is slow that if you overfeed, the food will actually rot inside their stomach, before they can digest it and they die.
Feeding, by most experianced frog owners, is done 1 - 2 a week.


In all your time which Anglers have you kept? And do you have any from previous tank{s}? Which in your experiance is the easiest to convert to frozen?


Hey, Titan!
I've kept Wartskins, Nummifers, Commersons and now Striated, with the little yellow guy.
The easiest I've ever had, to go to frozen, were Commersons. That thing would eat anything (frozen gel cubes, squid tentacles, name it, he'd suck it down).
New pics, from today:

For those of you that have had these little netted breeder boxes, you can tell just how big the Striated is from this pic. Compare him to the frame of the breeder box, which is just about 1/2" wide.


And still yet...some new pics.
That little SOB, Striated, got overzealous and found his way out of the breeder box. I took the opprotunity to get some good shots, that werent top down or through the net only.



dont worry, if i do get one it would be like a year from now. Giving me plenty of time to research. I just like to keep ideas open, see a door and take it. This way down the road wheni have the "xp" I can get what i want


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
OMG That is sooooooo Sweet....
I have never seen a frog that small....

I have either, Kaye. I've seen only a few pics of them this small. I knew he was small, but didnt really grasp how small until I held him in my hand.
I've already been talking to the store again. I'm gonna be ordering more if they can pass 2 stipulations along to the wholesaler. Any that I get have to be the same size as the little yellow guy (or smaller) and they can be any color, other than yellow.