New Goby, Help!


New Member
I just added an orange spotted goby to my tank and my Blue Damsel is not getting along with the Goby. Besides the goby, my tank includes a blue damsel, yellow tang, and tomato clown. The damsel is the only fish giving it a hard time. The goby is sitting still in the back corner of the tank about 3/4 of the way to the top. When the goby tries to sit on the sand the damsel nips at it until it leaves. Is anyone aware of any compatability issues with damsels and goby's? Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do?


Active Member
it is not amatter of compatiblity wiht the goby, but the damsel, the are notorious for such activities, with all kinds of fish, in fact, i would not be surprised, if it ever gave a problem to your tang, not always, but they are bullies to whooever will not retaliate, even larger fish
my suggestion, replace the damsel, he can be a major problem for any fish especailly new aditions
another possible attempt, turn off the lights and rearrnge the rock and other stuff in the tank, then to morrow when you turn on the lights, the damsel will have lost concept of it's territory, and MAYBE the goby will have a somewhat easier time, MAYBE


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I've had problems with the damsel in the past. I just gave the damsel to the lfs where I purchased the goby. As soon as the damsel left the tank the goby immediately started to tear into the sand. Thanks again!