New Goby in My Fuge and Can't get It out. Concerned.


Active Member
I got a Diamond goby yestarday. I acclimated and put in my fuge because i didn't want it to be stressed by the other fish.
Anyway... i keep lights on 24/7 in the fuge and was trying to get it out tonight so it could have a good nights rest. the darn thing dug a cave and can't find/catch it. Do you think it will be fine down in the fuge for a while with the lights on?


don't know much about goby's but i've accidently left my lights on all night and my fish have been fine


Try turning them off for a while and see if he will come out. I dont a fuge so i dont no what will happen with whatever by turning the lights off


Originally Posted by surferb
don't know much about goby's but i've accidently left my lights on all night and my fish have been fine
yeah me too...


Active Member
I got him... can't find him in the dt now. hopefully i'll see him cleaning in the morning.