New Gorgonian

reef fool

Active Member
I picked up a new gorgonian yesterday. Wanted something to dress up the black mass that I call my bak pak bubble box. Wondering if anyone can ID the specific type that it is. I found similar ones in my coral books but not exact. Really trying to find out it's lighting needs. Similar ones say they need low to no light but good water flow. Will too much light hurt it? Any help?
Here it is:


They are nice.. good grab. I know nothing about them. As a matter of fact i just lost both of my gorgonia that i had for over a year. I put my torch frag too close. :mad: Neither of them looked anything like that. If i get another one it will be similar to that. Love the color.


Active Member
I have Similar ones, They dont like like and you will see that the polyups useally come out in the dark, I will try to get a close up but here is a pic


Active Member
I have Similar ones, They dont like light and you will see that the polyups useally come out in the dark, I will try to get a close up but here is a pic


Active Member
I dont think it will hurt, they like strong flow, Do you see the polups apear when lights are on? mine get fuzzy looking in the dark


Active Member
:) I just noticed that this site has these listed in the U build it section for 12.99 , Thats pretty Good ;)


Very nice, you know these are non-photosynthetic gorgonians and require feedings...right. The only problems w/ highlighting and these gorgonians is that algaes will grow on them. This type of gorgonian and the red branched ones are found in darker or deepers waters w/ high laminar flows

reef fool

Active Member
The polyps are out for a little while when the lights are on. About 1/2 hour after I took the pics it was opened up from top to bottom. I am feeding it DT's every other day with the rest of my corals. Anything else I should feed it?