dr gonzo
heres my new green plate coral i got from this website
i was disapointed thatthe tenticals werentgreenlike th epic but hes cool anyway
i have 2 t5 fixture made by corallife
75 gal
is this the right place to put him
and how much should i spot feed him and how many times
also my umbrela shroom
and also i got another ? howlong till my ricorida opens all the way?
i was disapointed thatthe tenticals werentgreenlike th epic but hes cool anyway
i have 2 t5 fixture made by corallife
75 gal
is this the right place to put him
and how much should i spot feed him and how many times
also my umbrela shroom
and also i got another ? howlong till my ricorida opens all the way?