New guy here


Stickied at the top of the "New Hobbyists" forum is a post with TONS of links to great starter posts. I also suggest "Aquariums for Dummies" ... it's a great starter book and the author is quite humorous to read.


The Conscientious Marine Aquarist - Dr. Robert Fenner
The Complete Book of the Marine Aquarium - Robert Hargreaves
The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup and Stocking Guide - Michael Paletta
...can't really recommend "For Dummies," even the updated 2007 version. While the 2007 version is slightly better than the older one, some parts are still very vague, and poorly organized. Besides, no color pictures. Yuck!

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by bjta2002
what do i need to keep my tank running correctly i have a 30 gal saltwater
everything. what do you want?


Originally Posted by bjta2002
what do i need to keep my tank running correctly i have a 30 gal saltwater
What you need for any size SW tank...MONEY


Active Member
Don't put any fish in until you cycle the tank. Get some live rock and read up on how to cycle. Throw in some live sand and cycle bacteria an you can throw one or two fish in in a couple of weeks. Do not put any fish in until you read up on the nitrogen cycle and understand it's basics or you could end up with a mess. It is really simple but get a book on marine aquariums and spend a couple of days reading it before you make any expensive mistakes. Read up on the full grown size, feeding and compadibility of any fish before you buy it. That 3 inch blue tang that is so cute now will grow to nearly a foot. Good luck and have fun! Lesley


Active Member
if u want better and more helpful responses u have to be more specific..and u need to list wat u already have.and pics don't hur either. lots of ppl here are very knowlegable in swtanks..and willing to give great be more specific..
if ur tank has already cycled u can do a 20% water change..wait a day then add a clean up crew meaning snails crabs and shrimp..after that change ur water everyweek or two weeks. 10% or 20% of water. test ur water daily..monitor ur clean up crew to see if they are doing well. after a couple of weeks u can add ur first fish..add only one. aclimate him. u can quarintine him if u like some do some don't..but its ur first fish so it up to you..everyfish after u have to quarintine so u have less risk of fish dieing from infections, aggressive fish, a lot of research on the fish u want before u buy them..never buy fish or live stock on instinct..u can add more live rock ass u go but make sure its cured..if u buy it from a website..cure it even if it says its cured..GOOD LUCK