New guy...looking for a lil advice


New Member
I have a Niger Trigger and I never see him eat. I have had him for 2 weeks! I also have a snowflake eel and a blue head wrasse and they eat all the time
. I have been giving them frozen brine, krill and silversides. Anything else i can try? Is this normal or am I getting paranoid?


Active Member
how did you come up with your screen name? and how do u remember it? lol
anyways try soaking food in garlic also what size tank is it? what are the water conditions? anyone picking on him?


New Member
hehehe jczyznikiewicz (Joe Czyznikiewicz) is my name. 55gal tank. I have not seen anyone pick on him. The wrasse swims like a maniac and the eel is out at night a lot when the lights are off. As far as water conditions go. 78 degrees. Salt 1.021. Thats all i really know at the moment. My buddy set most of this up for me and tested everything and said everything was ok. Is there anything i need to look for? Sorry im kinda dumb about this but my buddy has been doing this for 10+ years and he says everything is fine. I just want a few other opinions.... Just wondering.......Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jczyznikiewicz
hehehe jczyznikiewicz (Joe Czyznikiewicz) is my name. 55gal tank. I have not seen anyone pick on him. The wrasse swims like a maniac and the eel is out at night a lot when the lights are off. As far as water conditions go. 78 degrees. Salt 1.021. Thats all i really know at the moment. My buddy set most of this up for me and tested everything and said everything was ok. Is there anything i need to look for? Sorry im kinda dumb about this but my buddy has been doing this for 10+ years and he says everything is fine. I just want a few other opinions.... Just wondering.......Thanks!
well just keep doing your water changes but i would also buy some test kits for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phos, alkalinity, calcium, are some of the basic ones
just wondering.. where is that last name originating from? like what country? or is there not one?
*edit* also how do you pronounce it? sorry.. lol just never seen it before, its unique =)


New Member
Changed the water twice so far... 15 gal both time....I will pick a test kit tommorrow...... My last name is Polish. My Grandparents parents came here back in the early 1900's from what i was told. My last is pretty crazy looking i know, i had to deal with it all my life


Active Member
Welcome to the boards....First off your salinity is a bit low. Not too horrible but I would try and get it up to about 1.025, make sure and do it slowly though. Also your 55 is a little small for a niger trigger and he may be stressed out. Try a little garlic.


New Member
I seen they recommend at least 75 gal... He is pretty large already about 3-4inches. What do u think i should do with him? I will work on the salt level asap and do it slowly. Thanks for your help


Active Member
Try mixing a SMALL amount in with your top off RO for the next couple days. Make sure you are using a refractometer not a hydrometer to check also. They are way more accurate


Active Member
wait u said youve changed it twice? how long have u had the tank set up? and how much do you change each time?


New Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
well just keep doing your water changes but i would also buy some test kits for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phos, alkalinity, calcium, are some of the basic ones
just wondering.. where is that last name originating from? like what country? or is there not one?
*edit* also how do you pronounce it? sorry.. lol just never seen it before, its unique =)
Ill be getting a test kit tomorrow.... You can pronounce my last name a number of diff ways but here is the general pronunciation.... Siz Na Kev Itch (english style)


New Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
wait u said youve changed it twice? how long have u had the tank set up? and how much do you change each time?
I have had it set up for prolly 6 or 7 weeks.. Did one 10 gal change and one 15 gal change. I have not changed the water since I got my niger and wrasse. I got em at the same time. My buddy acclimated for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jczyznikiewicz
Ill be getting a test kit tomorrow.... You can pronounce my last name a number of diff ways but here is the general pronunciation.... Siz Na Kev Itch (english style)
haha! thats awesome!!! im gonna remember this forever lol =)


Active Member
Ok two more comments.
1. Refractometers you can pick up at your LFS or at online retailers PM for info. Don't see any here.
2. I would only do about a 5g water change once every week (particularly since you have a couple messy inhabitants) 15g is way too much for a 29g


New Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Ok two more comments.
1. Refractometers you can pick up at your LFS or at online retailers PM for info. Don't see any here.
2. I would only do about a 5g water change once every week (particularly since you have a couple messy inhabitants) 15g is way too much for a 29g

After work I will make a trip to my LFS. Just a small correction. I have a 55gal not 29g.... 15gal still to much?


New Member
I have read up as much as I could on the Niger Trigger and i understand he likes to hide and hang around on the bottom. I just never see this guy! He is the coolest fish ever!!
When the other fish eat they come out or if they are already out they come to the top of the tank but not my niger. I do need to adjust the salt and Im pretty sure everything else is fine.


Active Member
if i were you i would do water changes every other week removing 10 gallons, if you do them every week i would take out 5 gallons