new guy needs help


New Member
just into salt water only set up for 2 months
sarg. major has white bumps (cauliflower?). Fish eats well and swims well does not act sick. tank water ok....have other fish in tank and all others seem ok (at this time). "White bumps" seem to be "eating" fins. "bumps" are on some of the fins. can anyne help?****
fish died...the white spots went into skin leastions(SP) and then he did the upside down swim
I know have white spots on glass....I am planing to go to fish store tomorrow to check and see if they have any ideas. any help
out there in fish land?


sounds like you damsels got marine ich. there a lot of differnt ways to take care of it one is hyposalinity.. some marine fish can actually be dipped in freshwater for a minute or so and the ich just pops off of them.. you may not want to try that if you're just starting out.. quarantine him and try to find some med. some use garlic and there are other animals that will eat ich.. Cleaneer wrasses and cleaner shrimp.. do a search see which one works out best for you.. if nothing else try a little bit of all of them..