New guy with lights


New Member
For a ten gallon I currently have two strip flouresent lights, one blue, one white. Both are 15W strips. They are 18" in lenth and I would like to incease wattage for the tank. Does anyone know of 18" bulbs that are of greater wattage than 15W? I'm planning on some soft corals and would like a little more oomph for them.
I was also wondering (as I'm new to the hobby) if the blue light is to be left on all the time or if I can turn the lights all off at night.


I would put them on timers. Most of the time a 18" bulb is around 18w. Thats as high as your ballast in the light could run. If you want more power, then your going to have to purchase a new fixture. Check the classifieds on here and the big auction site. Even though its only a 20" fixture you need, there still pricey. But, you could find one for about the same price as buying 2 new bulbs for your fixtures. 30w over ten gallons is not all that bad. Right now my ten only has 48w over it and my Zoas are growing like crazy. I also have favia under my lights.


Active Member
Pc would be good for yout ren gallon, or even better yet a 5-6 tixture. Tek makes a nice 20" fixture and sunpod makes a nice Mh fixture thats 20 inches.