New Guy


New Member
Whats up everyone, My name is Ben and Im some-what of a new Salt water guy. I've been doing it for a couple years now but just starting to get big into it. Here's some pictures of what I have, and I know, I have an alge problem Im trying to get under control. There's also a picture of my pride and joy shark. I hatched him/her about 2 months ago and hand feed him everyday as in the picture. I currently have two reefs up and going, a 24, and a 90, about to start a 30 gal fish only as well. Here ya go, comments and help is always welcome, Thanks. Ben



New Member
yea I know, Im a full time drag racer and my hands get dirty, plus I was swapping engines a couple months back and smashed my thumb and nail is all short and gross, it's the best it can get right now.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SFR292
yea I know, Im a full time drag racer and my hands get dirty, plus I was swapping engines a couple months back and smashed my thumb and nail is all short and gross, it's the best it can get right now.
nail smail nice tank and welcome


I like the Shark I am new to this hobby, but am on the computer everyday for at least and hour learning something new. I just bought a shark egg today and know I have a long wait ahead of me. One side was alread scrappped and I could see him/her wiggiling around inside it is every exiting. It is only about an inch long inside. It was cheap and I really wanted to give it a shot. I only have two perculas right now and am probaly going to stick with just that until the little guy hatches. I have a 90gl tank at the monent but will upgrade when nessary.