New Hammer coral


Active Member
SWEET LOOKING HAMMER!!! Wow! That is beautifuk and amazing - was looking at one on Friday - man they are super sweet!!


yeah, i got it at my lfs, kinda pricy but i like it alot. it opened right up after about 10 minutes after acclimation :)


from what i was told/research they are moderate. They need moderate lighting and like to be placed on the bottom, with moderate water flow. Also feeding phytoplankton once a week is reccomended (like most corals)


Active Member
I keep my hammer coral about 2/3 of the way up moderate current and I have 770 watts vho on a 135gal. I use a turkey baster to spritz it with a diluted dt's once a week. HTH and good luck with yours, they are an awesome coral.:)


nice hammer.. i have a similar coral, but its the torch coral.. i like to feed mine live brine shrimp soaked in Kent's Zoe.. i also put in DT's phytoplancton, and notice it will also grab floating food (dry, freeze dryed, and frozen) Every once in a while i will feed it small pieces of raw shrimp...
I think a varied diet is best... just give it all you got!!!!
mine has grown about 10-20% in about 2 months and i started noticing one of the branches splitting while it was closed up (it closes a bit when my MH go off for the night)
I noticed it not being open very much last week... i double checked my calcium, and sure enough, down to 350.... it was 450 a couple of weeks earlier... so i am back to dosing and hopefully it will be back up to an appropriate level by the end of the week.