new hawkfish is fading, help!


I bought a longnose hawkfish from an LFS yesterday afternoon. brought him home and put him in my 10 gallon qt tank. Tank was filled with new saltwater the day before and has nothing in there but a pvc tube and powerhead. I leave lights off for the remainder of the day and dont attempt to feed. He scurried around the tank and was having a good time exploring.
i come home at 330 today and see him sitting on the bottom breathing heavily... and not reacting to my movements. In fact he even allowed me to touch him and carry him around the tank by hand without really trying to get away... he's very weak and this isnt good...
I tried to feed him and he ignores food.
Any help here?


Anyone? he actually climbs into my hand when i put my hand into the tank and i can sorta give hima ride around, but he doesnt have much power...


Me thinks the salinity is too low. What was the salinity level at the LFS? I keep my salinity at .026 and everyone is happy. Just my opinion.


Sounds like the tank was not cycled at all. You said that you put in fresh water the day before. Salinity is not the problem.

b bauer

Originally Posted by Hogs
Sounds like the tank was not cycled at all. You said that you put in fresh water the day before. Salinity is not the problem.
I agree is this water you just made or from your dt?


Try doing some research on saltwater aquariums it is common knowledge that you need to add live rock first this acts as a filter then your tank has to go threw a cycle that will last 6 to 8 weeks. add some dead shrimp from the grocery store to start the cycle. This has to happen before any livestock is added to your tank. Take the Hawkfish back to the store though I would think he will be dead by now.


Why not acclimate the fish & get him into the DT?
How long did the LFS have the hawkfish, if more then 10 days I would think he'll be ok for DT... Just a thought