New HD video of my 75gallon FOWLR


Well-Known Member

Nice video...I really like the eel..
I don't know how big it get gets, the 75g may not house it long.


the SFE was more of a rescue than a buy. It came from my boys neglected SW tank. He was only getting fed once a week and in water with detectable ammonia and nitrate cuz the guy never took care of it. Since I got him he eats 1-2 silversides, or shrimp a day. He shoud be fine in my tank for some time. I dont even have a lid and the eel never really swims the top. It is my belief if u have plenty of hiding places and feed it regular the eels will not attempt to get out. Thanks for the comments. The FOWLR is still a work in progress, honestly keeping fish only is a way bigger challenge than a reef tank. Corals dont really try to kill eachother or carry disease or create waste like fish do. Corals are the easy part.


Originally Posted by sharkbait09
thats awesome i really like ur eel and anemone!!!!1

Thank you. THe anem is actually kind of new to the tank. I just got the T5 lights on here from a guy on craigslist for 200 bucks. I figured I would buy a cheapo little atlantic anemone an see how he does under the new lights before I get the bubble tip that I really want. Considering the noobs at my LFS keep these anemones under regular flourecent lights I think my T5s shoul be ok.