New herd of ponies arrived today....


Today I got the seahorses I ordered. I ordered 12,,they sent 13,,I received 18...hmmmmm
Two of the males gave birth in shipping...5 new babies were along in the bags.
All are settling in nicely...and the papas continued to have a few more. Last count was 12 babies and 2 very fat daddies still.
Below are a couple shots of the "mares" taking it easy..watchin the guys and laughin.:D I tried for a "birth shot" but camera just dont focus that small..grrrr
Anyhow...hope ya like.


This is 1 male giving birth,,,didnt come out clear, but you can see how the pouch is stretched open for birth.


These arent my first horses,but I`m certainly no expert. I have had several for about 6months now. They are awesome creatures and require alot of attention. Clean water/no predators/newly hatched brine...the only other tank inhabitants(that I allow) that are safe are some barnacals and sponges.
** water conditions same as reef tank.


They have to be fed EVERY DAY,,at least once, and ALOT of shrimp so they can feed all day if they want. Constant hatchings of brine are a must for the dwarves.
The hulls of the shrimp eggs cannot be added to the tank.Also..raising brine to adult is very difficult because a shrimp will molt 15 times in 8 days and the molts contaminate the water and if water is not changed everyday,,that water becomes contaminated and they will die. Very tricky...very time consuming...very expensive..(new salt).
Its almost impossible to filter the water of the tank because of the brine, so water changes are also a must. Tank circulation must be very little current so a bubble stone is best,,but very low rate, and bubbles AWAY from the trees they hang out in.
All just my observations and opinions.


mine only likes ghost shrimp and thats all he will eat. I have tried frozen brine shrimp. how often should i throw a ghost shrimp in.


Active Member
Wow thats really cool. I once tried a seahorse many years ago when I had no clue what I was doing. I don't know if it was a good choice but I would sometimes feed mine feeder guppies. Sad to say it only lasted about 4 months. I've never tried since then and after hearing all the work it takes to raise them properly I probably never will.


Hey- where did you order your seahorses? I have kept a few in our reef tank, but have since then setup a 65 gallon hhex for seahorses only.

Active Member
i am thinking about setting up a seahorse tank for my wife. how about a tank shot and a shot of your set up for the shrimp.


Active Member
sheree, i am always amazed by your seahorses... they are beautiful creatures but with your care, amazing. I hope you good luck in the future... Sheree, what is your e-mail?


Those are great pictures. I would like to own a seahorse tank but still have alot of research to do.:)