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Active Member
Aquascape is nice. Didnt watch whole video though cuz im ready to get back to my game, but u should take the mandrain back to LFS. Need a lot more rock work in a bigger tank. Those have a special diet and needs a lot of coppods. So unless ur buying pods every week it prolly isnt getting enough nutrients!
Other than that the tank is good lookin from what I could see in first minute!


Thanks for the input, I know what I'm doin' :)
The dragonet eats mysis like any other... the smaller/younger ones give the most problems with accepting prepared foods. Get a fat full grown one and he'll eat no problem ;)


Active Member
looks nice, you should get that lamp with the incandescent bulb out of there though. not really a good light and possible electricution problems!


Active Member
If mandrins don't get enough copods, they slowly starve to death even if they are eating pounds of mysis.


I disagree. I know many a Dragonet that have eaten mysis for 2+ years with no problems of starvation. Bad experience yourself I can only assume. Why is it that the same mysis most other fish thrive on, would slowly kill my Dragonet. Either way, via the aquaclear fuge stuffed into the back chamber or the deadly mysis, I don't think you need to worry about this Dragonet. kthx


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kraylen
I think given the fact that your profile doesnt state how long you have been doing this, and the fact that you said new here. Gives the indication that you are new to SW tanks. With that assumption there have been many many attempts by other members to keep a mandarin in small tanks, with prepared foods of all sorts including mysis. All eventually failed and the fish starved. Most of the time the statement of "yes it can work" is conveyed through the ever so popular LFS advice whos employee or owner claims personal success, and typically winds up being a load of crap. I only wanted to mention this as it appears most of the replies to your thread seem to be flaming you for having the mandarin. Typically the intention here is for the health of the fish and to educate a new hobbiest. And dispite what you may have been told this scenario doesnt work. Unfortunately some lessons cannot be taught in school. Good Luck.


Active Member
Yeah, there have been quite a few posts on here about failed attempts with mandarins, usually around the several month mark, where they've starved to death. While they can often survive on frozen food, it's not easy getting one to eat it. I have a 180g tank and my mandarin only eats pods, all day, every day. He just cruises along hunting for pods all the time. If this same mandarin has ended up in someone else's nano tank, it surely would have died of starvation by now. So if you've managed to get yours to eat prepared foods and it's survived for quite some time on that, congrats!

At any rate, the tank looks good, I love purple firefish, and hope you can make out with your mandarin. Welcome to the boards, this place has a wealth of information, but there are some people who will flame for time to time.


So I assume unless you state your experience in your profile any real knowledge if void?
Let me put it to you this way, my goal right now is breeding darts... Don't think for a second I haven't worked up to it. I respect the concern for the mandarin but I got it under control. Working at the Monterey Bay Aquarium I learned a few things about marine life trust me.
I would just like to know where you purchased this set-up? It Looks Fantastic! Of course with the right aquascaping, turn on the lights who-la~~~~Mini re-creation of a reef!