new here(just wanting to say hello)


Active Member
purple Hello Everyone
Im new to this forum and I'm sure you have seen my post in just about every subject I could possibly find.I thought it was about time I introduced myself to you all and remark on what a wonderful forum this realy is.I have been involved in alot of groups but this one I have to say rates a 10 on the rictor scale of being the tops.Please I don't want anyone to think I presume to be miss know it all ,I'm far from it.but what I can tell you is I love to read.I spent so many yers online just chatting with people.wasting time. this group gives me a reason to read usefull information that I would would normal not bother with .oh yes and lets not forget I love to talk lol.that I wont deny just call me jabber the past 4 days I have learned alot of things I didnt know but asked the same questions that went un answered.I had to learn a few things the hard way.I was lucky to have manage with my tank with no major delemas(knock on wood) but like most at one time or another there have been fatal mistakes.when Im not at work or being a mom and wife .I'm usually online more in the winter than summer(I hate the cold)so if you post a question that I might be able to find a few answers or ideas for if it helps you or anyone for that matter Im more than happy to help.
I use my own personal experience.but will always try to backit up with something .and if not I have at least tried.I have only ben into SWF for 2 yrs im still a major novist.I try to save sites and links to most helpful info so if anyone needs a link feel free to ask .I think this will be fun
thanx again for a wonderful forum
ps my tank includes 125 gal
1 stars and striped puffer 12 in
1 majestic foxface 9 in
1 engineer goby 11 in
1 12 in snowlake eel
3 damsels
yellow fin ,3 striped, 4 striped
aprox 50lbs LR.
10 hermit crabs rnot sure what kind (they were cheep)


Active Member
Thank you both Todd and lisa for you warm welcome I'm sure i will enjoy is as much as you do so far I love it


I lived in Vicksburg for about 10 years. Ever go to MVPets? That opened up about a year before I moved up here, pretty much got me into the hobby. The owners (steve and Mark) are good guys, talk a bit too much, but they know what they are talking about.


Active Member
My wife was born in Lansing, and raised in Mullikin, then she got smart and moved to Oklahoma!
just kiddin with ya! Todd


Active Member
ann arbor area here .
I use a place called fish dr. in canton
never been to OK before but if its warmer than 1 degree im with her lol