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Shrimp lady

New Member
I'm brand new here and are interested in starting a Brackish water nano tank for Asian/Japanese shrimps known as Caridina serratirostris. I have much to learn as for salinity, specific gravity, & temps in relation to each other. I have these shrimp in fresh water but need the know how to breed them successfully in brackish as their larvae need it to metamorphosis to shrimplet stage. These are a lavrae producing type like Japonica but a bit different in overall charichure. I would want to learn how to grow my own micro-algae to feed larvae as they are only 2mm when hatched! Yikes!!!!
P.S. I have never done any salt water set-ups...would like to know what basic equipment I would need to get started.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums! I hope that you enjoy your stay.

I have never done brackish tanks and I hope someone with more experience with them can help you.

I would like to suggest buying a refractometer at the very least so that you have accurate control over specific gravity.

I wish you the best!