New Home for a Snowflake Eel- Please Advise!!!


New Member
I have housed a SFE in a 90 gal tank for almost a year now, I bought it when it was about 10 in. and it has now grown to about 18 in. In its original home it is housed with 2 blue damsels, 2 green chromis, 1 scooter blenny, 1 small yellow tank, 1 flame angel and 2 Clarkii Clowns. I have noticed as the eel has grown he has become more territorial and therefore my QUESTION is regarding moving it. Recently I have broken down a 35 gal tall hex tank, I was considering getting it back online, loading it up with a wall of LR and moving the SFE into it after it has cycled. Any thoughts concerning if moving it would be a good or bad idea?
If I do move it, any tips on capturing it and moving it? And should I house any small thing in with it???