New House...New Tank


I'm relatively a newbie still. I started a 55gal reef about over a year ago. I moved sold the tank to the new owners. Now I started a 90 gal 10 weeks ago. I wanted to get some feedback from here, everyone on here gives good suggestions. Thanks, Heather



Active Member
nice tank, what lighting do u have on there , i have a 90 that im wanting to turn to reef, r u makeing urs a reef or just keeping an anemonie (sp)


Originally Posted by BabyB
nice tank, what lighting do u have on there , i have a 90 that im wanting to turn to reef, r u makeing urs a reef or just keeping an anemonie (sp)
I have the coralife aqualight has 2-96w Actinic, 2-150w MH, and 4 Moonlights. However, the guys setting up the tank said the MH's were 250 watts each. Yes, I think I'll end up doing reef again. I think I may only add 1 or 2 more fish, then focus on corals.
Thanks for the reply.