New Ich Medicine

tank watch

Anyone hear of, or used this new product called Ich Attack.
My wife picked this up today. The label says:
100% organic
treats diseases caused by ich, fungus, protozoans and dinoflagellates.
Made by Aqua Herbals.
Reef safe,Live Rock safe.
Anyone use this before?


I have used it. I really liked it. It cleared off the Ick in my tank. Just make sure the carbon is out of your filter and your protein skimmer should also be off. It works.

tank watch

the bottle says safe for all aquariums, fresh, salt, including reef and live rock. doesnt mention inverts in particular. got it at the local fish shop. look up the name...


No offence to anyone, so please no one take any.
Any " med " that states that it cures ich and is reef safe is a load of crap. Ich is an invert...more so ich is actully a freshwater parasite, not saltwater..its called cryptocarian (sp) in swf tanks....
Over all your money, put it towards a UV or a QT tank.
Best way to spend your money.
Only proven methods :
Best solution :
Start your reef slow, let it mature...slowly add animals over time, QT them before you add them to the tank. If you do this " ICH " should never be a problem.
Best of luck.


Originally Posted by SeaReef
No offence to anyone, so please no one take any.
Any " med " that states that it cures ich and is reef safe is a load of crap. Ich is an invert...more so ich is actully a freshwater parasite, not saltwater..its called cryptocarian (sp) in swf tanks....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip
Over all your money, put it towards a UV or a QT tank.
Best way to spend your money.
Only proven methods :
Best solution :
Start your reef slow, let it mature...slowly add animals over time, QT them before you add them to the tank. If you do this " ICH " should never be a problem.
Best of luck.
....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip


Originally Posted by shameless
....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip

I understand that concept completely. But saltwater Ich is not called: ICH in the professional world its called: Cryptocarian.
I've been a Marine Biologist for 6 years.


Originally Posted by shameless
....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip

also you highly edited what i said.
If you read my text then your " quote " there completely different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shameless
....Ich that occurs in saltwater is SALTWATER ich NOT freshwater ich if u put a fish that has saltwater ich in fresh water the ich will EXPLODE hense the term fresh water dip
A freshwater dip is probably one of the worst ways to treat ich, in my opinion. Not only does it stress out the fish tremendously, but it is unneccessary. When you are going to have to Qt the fish anyway, why not just do a much less stressful process in HYPO? I don't like copper either, so I think that method is a bad one as well. That also can be more stress that is neccessary.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
A freshwater dip is probably one of the worst ways to treat ich, in my opinion. Not only does it stress out the fish tremendously, but it is unneccessary. When you are going to have to Qt the fish anyway, why not just do a much less stressful process in HYPO? I don't like copper either, so I think that method is a bad one as well. That also can be more stress that is neccessary.
Completely AGREE 110% I would never use a freshwater dip unless it was an ABSOLUTE emergancy where something went horribly wrong and the animals gills were infested with crypt. Hypo over a time period is the best way to cure the problem. Copper is like cancer treatments to humans....doesn't alot of harm before it does any good..
Best solution again is a UV and a QT tank. (Keeping perfect water quality of course)
Keep your levels stable, watch what kinds of fish you mix, also if you do see crypt ... observe the tank...see if some other animal is picking on it...that also can stress a fish out.


Active Member
SeaReef, you seem to know a lot on this topic. Do you really think that a UV helps in ich control? I am not being sarcastic; I am honestly asking for your opinion on this. I have set-up customers tanks with and without UV's, and I honestly think the UV's have been a waste. I have never needed the UV's to achieve good water quality and healthy fish. I always try to discourage my customers from buying them, and spending their money on better things like a better skimmer or more live rock. I am curious to hear your opinion.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
SeaReef, you seem to know a lot on this topic. Do you really think that a UV helps in ich control? I am not being sarcastic; I am honestly asking for your opinion on this. I have set-up customers tanks with and without UV's, and I honestly think the UV's have been a waste. I have never needed the UV's to achieve good water quality and healthy fish. I always try to discourage my customers from buying them, and spending their money on better things like a better skimmer or more live rock. I am curious to hear your opinion.

In the 3 public aquriuams I have been in, I have used UV's on each major display ...never having problems. It not only helps deal with Crypt, but also with other parasites. To each there own. I suggest them for every,folr,reef ..etc out of the 7 tanks im currently running (i have customers..not my own) (i wish they were mine though) ..i've never had an outbreak of any problem.... im not holding it to the UV ....there are many things i do for proper set ups.
With every tank ..somethings will be different. But do know, that i suggest a UV more than i do a skimmer...and i suggest them to everyone :)
Look at it as a " air filter " for your house.... for some people they dont do anything....for people who get sick they're a dream come true.
same goes for fish....most swf have bad immune systems with some parasites.


Some skimmers do work better than others. This is a correct statement, I personally like ASM skimmers. Each tank needs to be skimmed a lil differently...some believe one can never over skim, while others believe you can. So it depends on the tank. Myself I believe someone can over skim a tank, process's have shown that skimming does indeed pull out many MANY waste products in a tank, which is great for the tank, but at the same time it is pulling out good bacteria as well. Myself I " under " skim my tank...on my 150 gallon tank, I have a skimmer designed for a 55 or 75 gallon tank,...I forget right off hand, But in my refigum I run macro algae take care of the excessive nutrients. Remember a sand bed set up correctly with live rock is your best friend, but seriously PLEASE remember that rock can be a nightmare for water flow, so you need to plan that out correctly as that is were a TON of waste will build up...causing a tank to crash. In a month I will be moving, and hence taking down my tank...when I re-set it up im going to take pictures on how to set up egg create correctly so you can have good water flow, and at the same time not see it.
Hopefully that will help alot of people in here with there aqua-scaping.
Also a common problem with alot of tanks is people will lay sand down first, and then place rocks on it. this will allow bacteria to build up at those points, best way is to set the rock in first and then build the sand around it. Also make sure your cleaning your sand on a regular deep sand beds are toxic dumps.
If you follow the general concept I have laid out you wont need a " MASSIVE " skimmer, nor will you have to " over skim " your tank for it to be healthy.
sorry for ragging on.


Originally Posted by SeaReef
No offence to anyone, so please no one take any.
Any " med " that states that it cures ich and is reef safe is a load of crap. Ich is an invert...more so ich is actully a freshwater parasite, not saltwater..its called cryptocarian (sp) in swf tanks....
Over all your money, put it towards a UV or a QT tank.
Best way to spend your money.
Only proven methods :
Best solution :
Start your reef slow, let it mature...slowly add animals over time, QT them before you add them to the tank. If you do this " ICH " should never be a problem.
Best of luck.
Never use copper to treat ich. Especially in a reef tank with inverts. Copper is deadly to marine life.
Hypo should only be done by those who have a very good refractometer, and is still an iffy solution, as many fish end up dying fromt he stress of going through the hypo.
Kick ich does work in my experiences as well as LFS experiences...both of them. You can treat the entire tank with it, and it does nothing to harm anything.
QT is the best way to avoid a tank spread outbreak in any event.
UV sterilizers have both good and bad points, whereas IME and reading a lot of posts on the subject on a couple of BB's and some other conversations, I have found they do more harm than good in smaller aquariums such as most of us have. They remove too much of the biological nessecities for just the sake of trying to fight a rare outbreak of a disease.
In large aquariums (such as public super large aquariums), the opposite seems to be the result.


Just curious. Everybody is saying the chemicals don't work and stuff but how are they working for some peoples aquariums. There are a few posts I've seen on here where people have been successful with chemicals to get rid of ich. I'm just wondering why that is?


Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Just curious. Everybody is saying the chemicals don't work and stuff but how are they working for some peoples aquariums. There are a few posts I've seen on here where people have been successful with chemicals to get rid of ich. I'm just wondering why that is?
It's all about your own experiences, and those you speak to. I have found the majority of people use products like kick ich with great results. I myself have used it and it worked great. LFS used it to treat a few tanks, as well as people on bb's. Others say it doesnt work...thats how it is with a hobby, everyone has their own opinion based on what they have learned. Not anyone is 100% right or wrong.
Some things we know dont work, or are bad for a tank. Copper treatments, is an example of something that just wont work in treating a whole reef aquarium with inverts. But some have used it to treat a fish in a qt tank with good results. Some swear by hypo, some say it is iffy.
Best to make your own judgement, try one of the methods, and see if it works for you. Then you will know for yourself.


Thanks man. I think maybe I was confusing myself cause everybody says this way works then this chemical works then something else. Then other people are saying no it doesn't. Lol. Confusing. Thanks for the quick response it was mind boggling ha ha


Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Thanks man. I think maybe I was confusing myself cause everybody says this way works then this chemical works then something else. Then other people are saying no it doesn't. Lol. Confusing. Thanks for the quick response it was mind boggling ha ha
lol..i know..Read everything you can about a subject, then make your own decision. Dont go exclusively by what anyone tells you. Take it all in, process.