New Ipod????


Active Member
Has anyone went out and gotten one of these yet??? My hubby got his last weekend and has been fiddling with it all week. Anyone else have one? Have you figured out how to rip your own dvd's to it yet????


Active Member
You think that is cool...check out the new mobiBLU cube. It is a 1 Gig MP3 player the size of a sugar cube. It is on my Christmas list. Go to the Walmart website and search for it. Awesome features for something so small.


Active Member
I thought about it but I bought the 4 Gig Nano instead because I wanted the reliability of a flash drive with no moving parts because I bought it to to use when I'm walking, running and riding my sportbike. I love the nano. It is so small and light and the sound quality is awesome.
The video one look cool, but I'm not sure if I would ever use the video.


I have had a Nano since the day it came out. I love it - but I never bought the video Ipod because I perfer a much larger screen to watch videos -
The Nano is well worth the money and TangMan99 is correct the sound quality is awsome.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
yep, I mean the video ipod. Sorry, should've clarified. Do you have one Snailheave?
no i do not have one but i believe it's similar to that of a regular ipod. with a regular ipod you pop in the cd with itune on, and there's a function within the itune interface to rip song tracks off the cd.