Originally Posted by mmm33732
huh. well i guess you guys know your horses. i was going off of the recommendations of various sites for sea horses i found. i think seahorses.org even said it would be fine. don't quote me on that though. so why wouldn't it be a good idea to just simply put them in with my other fish and all? what is all needed to ensure they do okay other than good water perimeters and pods and all?
DUDE........First and ultimate must do~ NEVER...and i cannot express this enough NEVER take any info regarding seahorses or any kind of fish as correct. In the 25 years I have kept fish the is one universal truth..Do your own research~never rely on your lfs or any source to give you good info. There is only one lfs here in the twins that i will set foot inside, the last one I ditched; one of the employees tried to sell me a dead plate coral for $50 explaining the mold on it was because it was a sponge. We all have too many "I wish I would have known...." stories...
The research I have done regarding seahorse care has extended to emailing 2 marine biologists. They were able to admit that they didn't know, unlike 99% of the US fish store population.
Use the existing tank successes and mistakes here in the seahorse forum. Start with my first Seahorse Valiant. My lack of understanding/disregarding water quality lead up to my seahorse's death. After 2 weeks of research, I can now tell people exactly what lead up to the out break of the parasites that killed valiant.
Seahorse Org does have a lot of good information, but it is only information, or a guide~ like the Bible. The words in the bible are records of God's word, taken down by humans. It is not to be taken Literally word per word.
Any how enough preaching...
If I were you i'd start by making a plan for the seahorse tank.
What kind of horse do you want to get? Get all the meds needed, food enhancers, books, etc.
Your tank will need to cycle for 6 months anyhow. Spend those months reading and researching all you can. Double and triple check your food and meds.