New job at pet store


I so Very Happy! Just got hired at a local pet store in the marine area, and I want to be able to jump in with lots of info. I am really good at identifing fish, but coral on the other hand I'm still not as good as I would like to be.
I was hoping someone would know a good site that has coral info (ie: pics, name, latin name, likes and dislikes, etc.)


Do me a favor, if you don't know the answer, just say I don't know. Most of the people around Seattle always guess or give me the wrong advice. Congrats by the way.


I try never to guess..I would rather say "I don't know, but I will find out for you".
I know I hate when people guess too...still I would like to learn as much as possible.


We're getting a marine section where i work soon so i better get reading up. Its great because i only work on saturdays (im 16) be me and the assistant manager are the only 2 who understand marines.
Yeah, i always say "im not sure, but i'll just go check for you" but anyways you'll be fine