New kenya tree!


Can anyone give me some useful info on a kenya tree
I just loved the way it looked and the price was right and the LFS said they are pretty hardy corals!
Info needed
- max. size, lighting, water movement, growth rate, able to spread, is it a good coral or have I made a mistake.
Pictures are also appriciated!!!!!!


Active Member
max size= bigger than your tank can handle they can out grow any tank given enough time.. medium to low flow, any where from high to medium light. growth rate= insane under the right conditions. very hardy coral. good pick


I have one. I've had it from just a lil thing. Mines a decent size now. Well it drops branches. Take these braches and stick them in a hole somewhere in you rockwork. I have about 4 now branches that i've planted now. I plant them by the main Tree. It looks really cool!!


Active Member
This was sold to me as a white kenya, but i believe its a colt coral, they are often mislabled.


Active Member
yeah, it does look more like a kenya tree IMO. They are super hardy corals, buds grow into new branches really fast, grow quickly.