New LFS.


A place just opened up between the 2 LFS I already go to.I also saw a couple guys that used to work at them working at the new place.Very,very nice place.Tons of fish,corals,Live rock $6.99/pound,tons of dry goods.I am very happy to see more place open up.


Active Member
Thats a pretty good price for LR. In my area the lowest is 8.99. A 45 minute drive and I can find it for 5.99, same rock too. If there is one thing that drives me from this hobby its going to be laying down and excepting the gouging that goes on at some of these lfs.
All I can say is there is plenty of business for the 3 LFS in my area to keep them open at the vary least. If someone with the capitol would come along and charge a fair price the other three would be in serious trouble if thats the prices they are forced to charge in order to remain open.
I seriously doubt that those types of prices are quite in line and larger profit margins is the primary motive. I cant honestly say I would drop any of my prices either if people kept coming through the door and happily bending over for it.


I totally agree Murph.
I asked one of the kids/guys why he left the other place.He said "wayyyy greener pastures".Now the place he used to work is where I buy my LR $9.50/pound.But They will let you take ANY piece of rock,from ANY tank.Even their huge reefs.(which is nice).
As I think about it.If the prices at the new place stay,I am sure one of the other LFS's will close.Nassarius snails for $1.99,Scarlett hermits for $2.99....I mean those are great prices.


$9.50 a lb
I order mine online for $3 a lb.
Originally Posted by Rev
I totally agree Murph.
I asked one of the kids/guys why he left the other place.He said "wayyyy greener pastures".Now the place he used to work is where I buy my LR $9.50/pound.But They will let you take ANY piece of rock,from ANY tank.Even their huge reefs.(which is nice).
As I think about it.If the prices at the new place stay,I am sure one of the other LFS's will close.Nassarius snails for $1.99,Scarlett hermits for $2.99....I mean those are great prices.


I would never order any living thing online.Live rock,buy it local drop it in the curing,no bs.As for the nass. snails,or anything else for that matter,I have heard too many problems with DOA's.The "other" LFS has them for 6.99 each,so to me 1.99 is mind blowing.


Active Member
wow 6.99 thats alot. All the snails here are like 2.99 for everything turbos and them and the big zebra stripped turbos.


ok.thought that was the one,thanks.There's one in norwich that is going out of business thats selling lr for $5 a pound.Not the best looking stuff but not bad.


feeding hills is nice,there's one in simsbury that i liked,but haven't been there in awhile.If I'm in a jam and need something quick I usaully go to e.hartford or vernon quick and easy.There's a nice one in framingham,mass but a little of drive to get there.


I know it,it's nice,just a bit far.Simsbury one is nice as well.Every Friday I go to the one in Feeding Hills.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rev
I would never order any living thing online.Live rock,buy it local drop it in the curing,no bs.As for the nass. snails,or anything else for that matter,I have heard too many problems with DOA's.The "other" LFS has them for 6.99 each,so to me 1.99 is mind blowing.
I love ordering online.. never had a DOA, cheaper prices and better selection. I've cut back now that I found a LFS I like and trust (and is special ordering me stuff) but the reputable online dealers I've used are great. (Saltwaterfish for instance... great CS)


Congrats Journeyman.I am glad you get good online deals.But I also see you live in Texas,which is a tad bit closer to Florida than where I am.I always wanted to order something from here,but I am afraid to.
For instance,last night was 22°F,(and it's going to get alot colder than that) if I oredered something from Florida,and it had to stay overnight in the UPS warehouse,or in a truck,I am sure it would die...or be messed up.Maybe I will wait till next summer.


the LFS store that I get live rock from is 5.99 lb if you belong to their "pet club" 6.99 lb if not. they also have lower prices for higher quantities Example 4.99 lb for 50 lb or more. and so on. The New ***** I found has LR for 8.99 lb. I bought my Sally light foot from ***** for 9.99 not sure if this is a good deal.
My LFS store also has a cleanup crew deal but I cannot remmeber what is in it. They have 3 deals ranging from 40-90 depending on tanksize for recommended crew.
at the LFS store if belong to pet club you get 15% off fish, 10% off hard goods 1.00 off a bag for salt other deals too. cost 10.00 a year for pet club. if you get 12 reciepts that you spent more than 25.00 on they will give 10 or 15 dollar gift certificate. Not bad considering I spend way more than $25 when I go there (and that is not even buying any fish).


Active Member
Rev; I am in Florida. One of the problems may be that I am in Sarasota county. One of the richest in the country. I see people at the lfs that are casual tank owners at best spending hundreds of dollars stocking tanks in a manner where it is not likely the half of them will make it through the month.
A few outrageous price examples
The Fish Bowl; Sarasota county. 75 bucks for a flame angel
Coral Connection; Sarasota county. 12.99 premium Fiji rock.
30 to 45 minute drive to Manatee county depending on time of day.
LR looks suspiciously like the above mentioned rock; 5.99 a pound
Flame angel 35 bucks.
All I can say is these people had better hope that I don't win the lottery. With the proper start up capitol I could put them out of business within six months, and don't even get me started on dry goods and equipment.


A new LFS opened up here in Lexington KY and I get my RO water from the owner for 35 cents a gallon, and he charges $5.99lb for live rock and if you buy 20lbs of it then you get the lower price for $5.50lb. My first two pieces I bought at a national chain pet store and they charged me $8.99lb. I really do like being able to pick out the pieces of live rock that I pay for, so I am glad that this new guy has the LR for cheaper.