new life


New Member
Is it normal to have a completely different set of aquarium inhabitants once the lights go out? I have had my lr since Nov. and since then I have only noticed a couple small feather dusters and a worm. After the lights went out tonight I took my flashlight and I took a look at the aquarium. I found a new feather duster about the size of a quarter, several smaller ones, 3 new worms, an unidentifiable crab, and this other weird stringy thing. Is it a good sign that there is new life coming from my rock? Is this time frame normal and what can I expect in the future. (It was a little unnerving to unexpectantly shine my flashlight on this nasty looking crab like thing!)
I also need some help identifying two of my new creatures. The crab was mostly inside the rock so I could not get that good of look at him, but I would describe him as a spider in the water. I could only see his legs and they were a green/brown color. The other stringy thing is exactly that. It has 5 or 6 string like white arms coming out. At first I thought a dog hair got in the tank, but I studied it for awhile and I saw several more "dog hairs". And they look like they are being controlled from a central point.
I am really excited to start seeing more life on and in the rocks! It makes the aquarium that much more fascinating. I am really curiuos to know what these new inhabitants are!
Thanks for all your great help!


New Member
I found another type of little creature (I saw about 6) little white bugs. They are in the rock and when they come out they look like they might be a worm and then they scurry away into the rock and you find out that they are short. They are white, maybe translucent, with little antenae. Any idea what these guys are?


Try this...
After the light's been out for a few hours, take one of those red flashlights,(or make an equivilent) and slowly approach the tank, and slowly look around. You may find lots of creatures!


Active Member
The stringy thing is probably a spaghetti worm. Do a search on the board and you'll find quite a bit of info on them. They're pretty neat creatures.


Active Member
u probably have a mantis shrimp (i think that's how u spell it) they are very troublesome and I would recommend setting a trap. As for the 'dog hairs', i would believe that they are a spagheti worm as someone previosuly posted.