New Lighting Fixture


I have had a 72 Gallon Bow tank running now for about 3months. I upgraded my lighting system to a finnex t-5 (two atinic and two fluorescents) at 39W each. I previously had two reg fluorescents at 32w each. This is my problem/question. My old lights stretched the entire length of the tank where the new t-5fixture covers 3/4 of the tank so for now i have placed it in the middle where most of my live rock is. It seems to be lighting the tank pretty well still and obviously has much more wattage and k. than the other two lights i had. I am planning on adding some soft corals and an anemone soon. Will this lighting be sufficient? This is what the local dealers recommended for me, but neither of us were in realization of how short the hood is. Any suggestions or comments would be great. Thanks!


Active Member
cheapo test.
On your next frag of zoo or leather just break into two or three groups and place them in as close as possible flow conditions and depth in the tank (I know its not as easy as it sounds) but then just space them at 3 points.
#1 where your sure it is in what you would consider full lighting.
#2 at the edge of where you think the full output is beginning to dim.
#3 as far as you can get them to the side where you are concerned about lighting.
You should know fairly quickly given that the tank as a whole is within spec for water, temp, and chemical conditions for good happy growth and color.
within two weeks, there should be a noticable difference in growth in the three groups if there is a shortage of lighting coverage.


Active Member
Woops, just in case your wife or husbands reads this- here is the answer you should use....
HURRY!!!, if you dont want everything to die and look dreadful you NEED TO BUY THE BIGGEST LIGHTING SYSTEM YOU CAN FIND.