New Lights and Yellow Tang


Active Member
As Mr. Salty recommended, I replaced my actinic white and regular flourecent 48" 40 watt lights with a 10,000K daylight and a 50/50 bulb. They look quite nice.
My problem is from the instant that I turned these lights on, my yellow tang has been fighting with his reflection on the sides of the tank. The lights do make him look a much deeper yellow so I'm thinking maybe that is why he thinks he is another fish.
I've had him for almost a year and he has never done this before. Will he realize that it is only his reflection and stop this maddness in a few days? I'm afraid he is going to stress himself out. I've had the lights in the tank for two nights now.
Tangman :D


Active Member
It was just a bulb replacement as my old bulbs were over a year old and I was told I needed to change them. The new ones are still the 48" 40watt bulbs.
Tangman :D


Staff member
LOL. Yeah he will likely figure out that he's chasing a reflection, but if it continues, then you can either move some rocks over into that area, or dull the reflection by placing a backing to the glass.
[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


Active Member
He's actually getting used to it now. He swings his barb at the reflection every now and then, but for the most part he has calmed down.
Tangman :D


Active Member
Here's an interesting bit of info, I read not to long ago that only man, monkeys, and dolphins can make the connection between reflection and self. All other animals think its another creature. Not sure how they tested this with dolphins. :)