New lights with problem


I just got the customsealife PC lights 2x10k and 2x Ultra actinics 65w with the moonlights and the fan makes alot of noise. Has anyone else had this problem and should i attempt to fix it myself or take it back? The lfs is bout 45 minutes away so hopefully its an easy fix here. Is this a decent light set up?


just to clarify the noise sounds like the fan is rubbing or something and only starts after about 10 minutes of being on.... 2nd question i have some hermit crabs in my tank and 2 of em seem to fight like they are attacking each other. do they fight? i keep hearing a ticking sound and I look over and its the same 2 crabs,


Active Member
it's possible that something inside your light housing is touching/ up against the fan. or it could be faulty. i would suggest calling them first before you take it back to them since they're so far away. do you have extra shells for the hermit crabs? maybe one has a shell that the other one wants. you can buy extra shells off of this website, or a good place to find them for fairly cheap is, i know this sounds gay, but a craft store like michaels. i guess peole use them to make "things", but they sell them in bags, all different kinds, and they're pretty cheap.


You should go purchase some shells like gregvabch said. One of the hermits probably wants the others shell...and one of them will probably end up being a meal soon. I had about 10 red legged down to about 6. I realize that I need some empty shells...but havent got around to it yet.
Just part of nature!
As for the fan...I would give them a call first(whoever you bought the fan from). If worst comes to worst, and the fan is can go to radioshack and buy a new one for a few bucks. Just might be a problem installing it, but its an idea.


thnks for the info --- ya i added some more shells but was just wondering if anyone else had this problem with there power compact lights. What type of corals can i get with this set up?