Originally Posted by tangey
so i can keep brain coral,bubble coral,and toadstools.So basically and soft coral or lps corals? also should i feed my tank some phytoplaynkton or some brine shrimp once or twice a week ?thanks
Yup, you can keep all the corals you listed. So, yes, all softies and LPS corals. Phytoplankton really does no good for your tank unless you have scallops or sponges or something-something that needs plankton THAT SMALL. It is too small for ANY softies or LPS, even mushrooms cant eat that! Brine shrimp would be good like once a week, but your lights should feed your corals. You could get away with not feeding them at all and just let the lights do it and they would be fine, but a weekly dosing of brine shrimp wouldn't hurt anything...