New lights!

So I pulled the trigger on the Nova extreme T5 and decided on the 36" due to planning to upgrade from the 29 to a 55gallon eventually anyway. Currently I only have a dual bulb Glo T5HO. How should I go about making this change so it doesn't shock my fish or corals? I plan to have all 6 bulbs running, but was thinking just turn the 4 on tomorrow and keep at that for about a week, then turn on the other 2 that I currently have after a week. I hear the stock bulbs in the nova aren't that great, so I'm not too worried about the change from 2 to 4 shocking the system... should I be?
Short version : What's the best way to go to upgraded lighting without shocking the system?

eric b 125

you should be fine doing it this way. what livestock do you have?


I turned all mine on at once. Just started with a 6 hour day, then increased an hour every other day until I was at my 12hour day that I prefer (12hrs actinic, 10 hours daylight). I did this with a 40G breeder, with the stock lights and the corals had no shock.