New Lion and puffer.


I just got a lion and a porcupine puffer. I am feeding them live fish and ghost shrimp. they seem to be eating good. My question is, I would like to supplement there diet with some garlic to help boos there imune system sinse they are so new to my tank. How can I get this supplement to them?


You can try feeding the ghost shrimp/live feeder fish a vitamin supplement. This will increase their level of nutrition to your lion/porc puffer. I can't speak for the lionfish, but for the porc puffer, i soak krill in a vitamin suppl like zoe or selecon for 3 minutes prior to feeding. I've also heard lionfish can be raised to eat pellets/dried foods...but this takes time. Be careful of feeding live feeder fish...sometimes they can be harmful to your fishes health.