new lion fish acting funny.!?


I just got a black volitanlion fish. He was fine for the first five hours I had him, but now he's doing loops and his breathing is eratic. Then he'll lay there upside down for a while and then do a nose dive into the sand. I know that they do act strange at times like the upside down thing but the nose dive thing is bumming me out. Should I be concerned?.........................Thanx


Yup...doing loop-de-loops is a bad thing.
Lionfish should essentially hang out facing down toward the ground or hiding, they don't lay upside down or do loop-de-loops. i would be concerned and I will ask you a few things.
1)- whats your water parameters?
2)- how did you acclimate this fish?
3)-is there anything you added in the past hrs to the tank?
4)-what was this fish doing at the LFS when you bought him?
5) what does the fish look like, dark coloratrion clamped fins, any bumps, cysts, discolorations?


Possibly the "nose dive" your referring to is when lions dart very fast to remove mucus/skin of their bodies. This typical happens when there is a change in water parameters and can signal a discomfort for the lion. But, they also do this to refresh their skins about once a month. More info though about your tank would be more helpful like Fmarini said.


To late sorry to say. When I woke up this morning he was no longer with us. Thank you for your help:(