Originally Posted by psusocr1
not if you get them feeding .. thats the hardest part...they do grow very quickly though!
I was a little concerned about that as well because the LFS had been giving him ghost shrimp. Luckily he caught on very easily and within hours of being acclimated! I dropped a silverside in for the fuzzy and he watched her eat it and was instantly like "i want one too" so I threw the other one in that I had ready and he ate it. These guys are such beggars though, all they do is swim up to the corners of the tank when I'm around and give me that "I'm such a poor starving fish" look. The beautiful eyes of lionfish don't help either. I still only feed them every other day or so.
I doubt I will be able to keep the Russell's much longer, he is getting very aggressive with my fuzzy. If anyone is interested in a very pretty Russell's in the Atlanta area for cheap let me know.