New Liverock!


I've got all sorts of stuff on this new liverock that I got. Can anyone help me out with some ids?
1. I assume this orange stuff is some sort of sponge, any idea what kind?
2. What's this black thing? Also, is that a Gorgonian, and what kind?
3. Another sponge?
4. Is this a barnacle?
5. Can anyone identify these corals? Is the white stuff some sort of macro algae?
Thanks a ton!



Yeah, I'm real excited about it!
Well.. I get all of my fish from, but this rock wasn't from them.. and I'm not sure they'd like me advertising other places on here.. But I will say, google it :)


Active Member
I love the Caribbean aquacultured rock. I also love barnacles, wish I had a couple in my tank. Not sure of the ID on the gorg but hopefully it is a photosynthetic variety and stays with you.


Active Member
Unfortunately, the sponges are tricky to ID from pictures. Mostly that is done by examination of spicules (microscopic). The forms and shapes of sponges can be so variable - along with the color, that often "sponge" has to suffice. And I think odds are good the first three are sponges. There are loads of Caribbean "orange encrusting sponges" that could be considered. The others appear to be more ball sponges but hard to know for sure. The black could possible even be, yes, another type of tunicate (compound tunicate) but hard to know from the photo.
The gorgonian could be several things. Can you get a picture of, or describe the shape of the polyps when retracted (eg are there slits, cups, etc). Could be Plexaurella grisea or something.
It is a barnacle.
In the last picture, the fuzzy branching stuff could be a bryozoan - it would need a very clear close picture. The larger polyped coral could be a Tubastrea, or maybe Cladocora, and the other maybe Siderastrea.
It appears I don't have my Caribbean coral book with decent plates, so I"m very limited.