New LR during cycle?


New Member
I have a 75 gallon that I have just set up. I had approximately 60 lbs of LR in it (which I have had for a couple weeks). I had checked the water levels a couple days ago, and it had not shown any signs of cycling yet. Today my order arrived with another 60 lbs of LR. I cleaned it off, and put it into my tank. I have now checked the levels and they are the following:
PH 7.0
Nitrate: 1.6
Amonia 3.0
Is my tank cycling now..or could the changes in the levels be from the newly added rock? If it is cycling...will it have to cycle again, now that the new rock has been placed in there? I realize I should have tested the water before I put the new rock in there...but being I just checked it a day or so didn't occur to me (still Do I do a partial water change at all? Or just allow the water sort itself out?
Thank you in advance for the help :)


Active Member
its most likely just starting to cycle. you should also be testing for nitrites, and nitrates.
what are you using for substrate? your Ph is rather low, if you add aragonite sand for the substrate, that should boost it up to the recomended 8.2- 8.3


Active Member
Well its probably starting on a second cycle since you introduced another batch of rock that evidently was shipped to you. Right now I would not worry about a water change as long as the ammonia does not go over a 5, and its much to early to even consider doing anyhtng or worrying about ph. The tank is just too new. It has to balance out after the cycle, but even then oddsa are ph is going to be suitable for adding critters and can be adjusted if needed at that stage.not during a cycle.
There really is no need to be checking for nitrate or nitrite right now, and if yu buy one of those ammonia indicator pads that sticks on the inside of the tank by a suction cup and changes color according to ammonia levels yu can save yurself a lot of messing around with testing by checking the colors. When it returns to the yellow color then do a nitrite check and nitrate check. No need to do it inbetween if the indicator pad is stil not indicating normal yellow color......
A partial water change is not gong to hurt but I would not worry about it unless ammonia gets to 5 or higher, then I would do a partial change. Once levels get to 5 and above lots of other critters will start dying off the liverock, so there is no point in killing stuff unecessarily with high ammonia levels. Just do not add any dead shrimp ;-)


Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
Well its probably starting on a second cycle since you introduced another batch of rock that evidently was shipped to you. Right now I would not worry about a water change as long as the ammonia does not go over a 5, and its much to early to even consider doing anyhtng or worrying about ph. The tank is just too new. It has to balance out after the cycle, but even then oddsa are ph is going to be suitable for adding critters and can be adjusted if needed at that stage.not during a cycle.
There really is no need to be checking for nitrate or nitrite right now, and if yu buy one of those ammonia indicator pads that sticks on the inside of the tank by a suction cup and changes color according to ammonia levels yu can save yurself a lot of messing around with testing by checking the colors. When it returns to the yellow color then do a nitrite check and nitrate check. No need to do it inbetween if the indicator pad is stil not indicating normal yellow color......
A partial water change is not gong to hurt but I would not worry about it unless ammonia gets to 5 or higher, then I would do a partial change. Once levels get to 5 and above lots of other critters will start dying off the liverock, so there is no point in killing stuff unecessarily with high ammonia levels. Just do not add any dead shrimp ;-)
lol, theres no problem with checking youre nitrite or nitrate yet.
youre going to need to start checking it sooner or later, why not start now?

salty cheese

Active Member
Originally Posted by chipmaker
Once levels get to 5 and above lots of other critters will start dying off the liverock, so there is no point in killing stuff unecessarily with high ammonia levels. Just do not add any dead shrimp ;-)
I think you mean .5